Monday, March 11, 2013

Entries to Douglas B. Rogers "Conditions of a Free Society" Essay Competition

Commentary by Roger Erickson

It's laudable for beginning students to discuss such things, yet surely verbal and written versions of that competition should be the method for getting bills presented and passed in Congress?

Lobbyists themselves have overly narrow perspectives, and hence never really know - or are satisfied with - the outcomes from what they ask for.

In a time when experts know more and more about less and less, and end up knowing everything about nothing ... what the hell is the use of convening committee's of "experts" to discuss tuning interdependencies of an increasingly complex system so that they map to better outcomes in constantly changing situations? Our experts have experience tuning return on coordination, since coordination something they know nothing about!!!

You might as well ask a theoretical, orthodox economist with zero predictive power to manage reality.

(Hat tip to Brad Lewis)

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