Thursday, August 14, 2014

Export-Import Bank? Instead, How About A MiddleClass Consume-What-You-Produce Bank? What? That's Called A Treasury Dept? So Just Lower All Taxes On Labor?

   (Commentary posted by Roger Erickson)

We could make this simple, and thereby make things better for all people.

But no. The US Chamber of Commerce has a more complicated idea, and crows that:

Ex-Im Has Financed $2Billion Worth Of Exports From Indiana Companies Since 2007

Huh? We're supposed to be impressed? We're LOANING our own fiat, to foreigners, so that they can buy what we produce ... and won't let ourselves consume? Anyone see a contradiction here? How do we grow if we export too much of what we produce?

If we'd just lower taxes on the Middle Class, then WE could buy what we're shipping to foreigners! Why export? Why give excessively to others when we could give to ourselves?

Ever see that little message on airplanes? "In case of an emergency, fasten your own oxygen mask before trying to help others." It's there for a good reason, as was our Middle Class. If we don't maintain our Middle Class, our nation won't be here TO help anyone.

[So why DO we export so much? Answer: The same old why. Exports are still used primarily as a way to take resources from poor people in exporting countries and give it to rich people in importing countries. Plus, we divert & lose that amount of our own fiat that is skimmed off at every step, by rich people in rich countries - through the miraculous evil of FINANCIERS impounding most of OUR fiat - which they then tell us we're out of, and must borrow back from them. How dumb do they think we are?]

Let's get this straight. If we have a fiat currency system ... then why on earth do we reserve most of our own fiat units for hoarding by the mere bean-counting clerks that track OUR fiat units FOR US? Ever seen a dog with 90% of its assets tied up in it's tail? They don't last long, and their last days are not pretty, as the cancerous tail kills it's host.

[Fiat] Taxes for [Fiat] Revenue Are Obsolete

Until every citizen in the USA learns that simple fact in highschool, or before, we will NEVER have sane, adaptive policy in this country. Every subsequent topic is just noise still distracting us from fundamental context.

Nevertheless, the Aiken Standard newspaper of South Carolina is on board with the bullshit, to serve the usual cast of characters.

[Propaganda]: Export-Import Bank is vital to state’s economy
How many people know who owns the Aiken Standard?

Worst yet, this cast of characters has nearly every labor union convinced that lowering Middle Class real incomes and expanding wealth disparity is in the self-interest of labor unions. Doh!

This is sad. Most Labor Unions are actually tied up arguing over which foot to shoot. That's pathetic, and they don't even know it.

Citizens don't let citizens operate ignorantly?

Electorates don't let Labor Unions swallow hooks, lines & sinkers?

What's worse than a drunk behind the wheel? A NeoLiberal in a policy office?


Anonymous said...

Roger, have you seen Stephanie's write-up on Eccles?

Roger Erickson said...

Thanks. No I hadn't.

Roger Erickson said...

Actually, it's amazing to see how close Eccles got to MMT, but he never comes right out and states what Beardsley Ruml does, in 1946.

Ben Franklin and the various 17th century American Colonies were much more explicit in their understanding and statements about "paper currency." The well known, subsequent propaganda wars between the banking lobby and the public are well known, and continue to this day.

Tom Hickey said...

I would say that Eccles was comparable to the contemporary deficit doves, in that he only accepted deviation from "sound finance" in emergencies.