Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Starting With The Basics ... Explaining Fiat Currency Operations To A DoD Lobby That Either Doesn't Understand .... Or Worse

   (Commentary posted by Roger Erickson)

Our core task is to explain fiat currency operations to at least 10% of our electorate. Until we reach that stage ... does anything else matter ... any more than pissing into the wind?

The following article contains the tired old argument about "money."

"Retiring the A-10 fleet will save a lot of money, and these days saving money is a necessity, not an option."

As long as the proverbial TINA is still in charge of policy, how does one dig into the operational details, without first clearing the Pink Elephant from the room, to reduce the fog and get a bit more clarity on context? First things first!

For those who want "MMT" to go "farther," why not first solidify step one? First, get an adequate threshold % of the electorate - and the leaders they elect - to simply be AWARE of the most basic operational details of a fiat currency system? Say, 10% of voters? That's in the range of 15 million people familiar and comfortable with fiat currency operations. Until then, since data is meaningless without context, it doesn't matter how much data you dig into if you misread context from the get go.

The only thing worse are those Control Frauds who actually may understand .. but purposely mislead their fellow citizens. There's no doubt that such frauds also exist, throughout the K-Street MICC lobby, and also within Congress (and the electorate too - lets be honest).

Where to start? How simple can we make a prerequisite consensus, beyond which most discussions are premature? Here's one brief reiteration of what's been said countless times the last 9 years ... (since I 1st met Warren Mosler).

We've been on a "fiat" currency system since 1933.

Tell me. How, exactly, does one "save" fiat? aka, Public Initiative? And, should we EVER leave initiative unused?

If politicians are going to discuss "money," they should at least be aware of the operational details. You don't send soldiers into the field who can't disassemble/reassemble their weapons in the dark - precisely because they then know what operations are and aren't possible. Similarly, you don't let politicians set policy who can't understand the 1st thing about fiat currency operations. Good lord!

We set objectives, assign roles, and pay each other with "liquid" chits called our national currency. That allows a growing Policy Space and Agile Policy - things you need for national security and national resiliency.

The main responsibility is to avoid irrational levels of inflation (nowhere in sight) or deflation (a current reality). Oh .. and set Desired Outcomes worthy of this electorate. That, and don't allow extreme, class-based wealth disparity. That's like letting Generals hoard all the weapons .. and expecting a functional army (or economy).

Of course, to do that, we need an electorate that can select leaders who listen to all, enunciate Desired Outcomes, and NEVER TELL PEOPLE "HOW" TO DRIVE DISTRIBUTED INNOVATION.

While that terse approach may resonate with SOME DoD staff, the same message will have to be stated 1001 different ways, with different words, before the growing diversity of people in this electorate get the message. We clearly have over 14 million people to recruit .. just to get to 10%.

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