Monday, February 2, 2015

Paul Buchheit — Democrat Rahm Emanuel Puts Chicago Up for Sale

Chicago is being privatized. Assets are being sold off, Wall Street debt is mounting, and the mayor conducts business with multi-millionaire donors who often reap benefits from their connections to City Hall. The people of Chicago, who will be electing their next mayor on February 24, need to know the facts about their city's financial problems. Some of these facts won't be found in the mainstream media.

Like Detroit in 2013, Chicago is becoming a symbol of a divided nation, of a society crippled by a 35-year-old notion that the "public good" is somehow un-American. Other U.S. cities have learned that their people and their public services are not products to be bought and sold. Chicago, under Rahm Emanuel and Richie Daley and an assortment of Illinois Governors, has been headed in the other direction.…
And Rahm is an up-and-coming Democratic insider with ambitions for higher office. TINA takes on new meaning. There is no alternative to two faction-one party rule in American oligarchic "democracy".

Buzz flash
​Democrat Rahm Emanuel Puts Chicago Up for Sale
Paul Buchheit For Buzzflash At Truthout


Unknown said...

With Democrats like this who needs Republicans?

What is the term for democracy without a real choice?

Malmo's Ghost said...

Cops, firemen, teachers despise Emanuel. If Karen Lewis could have run (she fell ill) there's no doubt she had a chance to win.

Emanuel is the darling of the Chicago right and neoliberals. He wants a toll-booth economy too. He also is with Mike Madigan in screwing pensioners writ large, and blaming the state's and city's fiscal woes on union working stiffs.

I'm sure Lew Rockwell and his ilk are madly in love with this wolf.

Jonathan Larson said...

This is Chicago. You know, the city where an "elite" school has been pumping neoliberal horseshit for decades know. So instead of staging coups in Chile, they only have to call their buds in city hall to see their crackpot economic "wisdom" in action. And if the bleatings from U Chicago doesn't do the trick, there is always the echo chamber at the Kellogg school over at Northwestern.

Chicago has ALWAYS been a corrupt, dysfunctional place. What kept them going for so long was that the Midwest was generating so much wealth, the greedheads couldn't steal it all—even though they really tried. But now Rahm and the CBOT types have figured out how to steal everything and what's left of Chicago is going out of business.

I will miss that city. My tribe built the place. My grandfather worked making steel in the early 20th century. When I first visited Chicago in the 1960s, you could feel its energy 50 miles out. FU Rahm and all the plundering vandals that wrecked a great city. Must you destroy EVERYTHING you touch?

mike norman said...

Great comment, Jon. I spent time in Chicago in the early 90s. Great city. Sickening to see what this scumbag Emmanuel is doing. Another Clinton huckster let loose.