Friday, March 13, 2015

telesur — CIA Papers Suggest Murder of Ecuador's Former President

Newly revealed documents show that the Ecuadorean military was part of Operation Condor

After reviewing declassified CIA documents, the Ecuador's Attorney General Galo Chiriboga revealed Wednesday that former Ecuadorean President Jaime Roldos could have been murdered, a theory that has surrounded the 34-year old case.
President Roldos was the first democratically elected president after Ecuador's last military dictatorship, which lasted from 1976 to 1979.
Chiriboga made his claim after reviewing several CIA documents that show the Ecuadorean army participated in the Operation Condor, during the 1970s and 1980s.
The Condor Plan was a transnational political assassination program coordinated and carried by the South American right-wing military dictatorships with U.S. backing. It targeted left-wing and progressive leaders, as well as the heads of guerrilla groups resisting these dictatorships.
“We are now at an investigating phase to determine what role played our country in the famous plan that was carried out throughout Latin America,” Chiriboga explained.
The attorney general added that Roldos could have been targeted as part of Operation Condor.....
CIA Papers Suggest Murder of Ecuador's Former President

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