Saturday, March 7, 2015

Telesur — Ecuador Leaves US-Backed Military Organization

Who lost Latin America?
Ecuador has decided to voluntarily leave the Inter-American Defense Board (IDB), affiliated with the Organization of American States (OAS), in order to prioritize cooperation with the South American Defense Council. 
The announcement came on Friday with a statement from the Organization of American States (OAS) that said after taking the necessary steps, as of February 20, 2015 Ecuador was no longer a member of the IDB. 
“Ecuador ratifies its support for the development of a new security (system) where regional interests take priority through organizations such as the South American Defense Council, which is part of the UNASUR system,” said a statement by the Ecuadorean Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 
Part of UNASUR’s mandate involves promoting peace in the region and accordingly has rejected recent efforts to destabilize Venezuela. 
Increasingly, the countries of Latin America have been focusing on regional development and integration, a departure from the policies of the region’s governments in the 20th century, which sought closer ties with the United States....
Many of the military dictatorships that once ruled over the countries of the region had their military officers receive training at the U.S. Army School of the Americas. SOA Watch has accused many graduates of having committed human rights violations.

Ecuador Leaves US-Backed Military Organization

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