Saturday, May 2, 2015

Paul Craig Roberts — Insanity Grips The Western World

Just as Karl Marx claimed that History had chosen the proletariat, neoconservatives claim that History has chosen America. Just as the Nazis proclaimed “Deutschland uber alles,” neoconservatives proclaim “America uber alles.” In September 2013 President Obama actually stood before the United Nations and declared, “I believe America is exceptional.”

Germany’s political leaders and those in Great Britain, France, and throughout Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan also believe that America is exceptional, which means better than they are. That’s why these countries are Washington’s vassals. They accept their inferiority to the Exceptional Country — the USA — and follow its leadership....
Roberts puts his finger on it. Exceptional equals superior, meaning that others are inferior. History is rhyming.

Insanity Grips The Western World
Paul Craig Roberts

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