Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Alexrpt — These three charts, and soup kitchen line, show Portugal’s EU austerity program success

Greece is not the only EZ country in depression.


Ryan Harris said...

I don't understand why so many people suffer in silence. It is as if they are afraid to speak up or they are ashamed of their plight when it is due not to their own failings but the failings of their government and its policy. They should complain vociferously.

I'd rather have toxic, racist, hateful religious and social wack job conservatives than the climate obsessed, social program cutting, "we're always broke" liberal parties. There is nothing neo- about these liberals. They are just plain conservatives. Unless Sanders wins the next primary election, I'm ready to vote straight republican ticket to just throw all the Dems out to rot for their treachery. At least the Repubs are honest about their beliefs and intentions to screw you over.

Ignacio said...

Capitalism has established the values that everybody can triumph and if you fail is your fault.

Suicidal rates sky-rocket when a depression settles like in Greece, the USA population is over-medicated due to the brainwashing of the medical-psychiatric-media complex. Instead of taking in arms what we got is a passive weak population of zombie iphone-buyers, this is the world we deserve.

Tom Hickey said...

Capitalism is based on individualism. Individualism culminates in the idea succinctly expressed by Margaret Thatcher, "There is no such thing as society."

This notion implemented results in social dysfunction. Social disfunctionality among individuals manifests on the individual level as psychological dysfunction. Which feeds back into social dysfunction. Capitalist societies in which "greed is good" tend toward social dysfunction and psychological dysfunction. This is especially dangerous when the selection process chooses psychopathic personalities for leadership roles.

Capitalism is based on methodological individualism. This result in the assumption that rationality involves maximizing individual preferences as "utility." Those familiar with the history of thought recognize this as ethical hedonism, which equates pleasure with happiness, or takes the cause of happiness to be pleasure.

Naïve liberalism and libertarianism are based on what Freud called the pleasure principle, which he contrasted with the reality principle. The pleasure principle arises from the infantile desire for immediate gratification. The reality principle arises from the process of socialization that fits the developing individual for social interaction.

The process of socialization is overly dominant, the result is acquisition of an authoritarian personality. If it is insufficient, the result is development of a libertine personality.

There is a dynamic contradiction between these principles that Freud held to result in civilization as basically neurotic. To great extent this has been borne out by the internecine feud between authoritarian personalities and libertine personalities.

Those who are more optimistic than Freud hold that integration is possible, even if somewhat rare historically.

Mature development involves a balance between individuation and socialization. This manifests as liberty, egality and solidarity, which form the basis of a healthy liberal society.

Matt Franko said...

I don't think I ended up on the libertine side....