Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Michael Nevradakis — Greece Referendum: Syriza Didn’t Get The Message

On the spot reporting from Athens.

Greece Referendum: Syriza Didn’t Get The Message
Michael Nevradakis, 99GetSmart, from Athens
ht lastgreek from the comments


Anonymous said...

Lots of paragraphs. But is there an alternative proposed plan of action in all that verbiage? Hard to find one.

For the internet left, everyone is always a betrayer, sell-out, quisling or whatever. But most of these people have no actual responsibility for people's lives, and really have no plans of their own other than some loud tom-tom beating.

lastgreek said...


He's reporting, not lecturing "in all that verbiage."

And, with all due respect, which paragraph(s)in the "lots of paragraphs" did you come across "some loud tom-tom beating"?

Dan Lynch said...

The author shares my cynical opinion of Syriza.

Mind you I have never set foot in Greece, I have no inside knowledge, I just read the news like everyone else. But Syriza has always set off my bullshit meter. Nothing Syriza has done suggests that they have a realistic plan to fix things. They clearly do not want to leave the Euro.