Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Arthurian — Völkerwanderung

Some history of mass migrations.

The New Arthurian Economics
The Arthurian


Random said...

Tom Hickey said...

@ Random

I don't usually agree with Libertarian George Mason U econ professor Tabarrok but there is going to be with free flow of capital, free trade and free markets, then there needs to be free flow of people (labor) too. But presently, economic liberalism along with political and social liberalism would be too disruptive of the existing order. Needs to happen more gradually and it will over time.

America showed the way in its federation of "sovereign" states. These states voluntarily limited their sovereignty and opened their border to other states in the federation. This has been a huge boon that Europe is only recently trying to emulate with the Schengen Area that is threatened by the refugee crisis.

America has also proved to the world that people of different ethnicity and background can live together more or less peaceably without so much friction as to be impractically disruptive. The US could do better but things have been improving over time and the pace of integration is quickening, not without some fits and starts. The US even pretty successfully absorbed millions of illegal immigrants especially from Latin America. for the most part is has worked out quite beneficially for all despite some pushback.

"The world is a family." (Sanskritvasudhaiva kutumbakam)

The whole verse is ayaṁ bandhurayaṁ nēti gaṇanā laghucētasām | udāracaritānām tu vasudhaiva kuṭumbakam ||

this one is a relative; this other one is a stranger" is for the mean-minded. For those who're known as magnanimous, the entire world constitutes but a family."

— Mahopanishad VI.71

However the context of the quotation shows that this not possible without the requisite level of consciousness.


Tom Hickey said...


To understand the total meaning and context of VK here, quoted below are the shloka-s 70-73 from its sixth chapter:

उदारः पेशलाचारः सर्वाचारानुवृत्तिमान
अन्तःसङ्ग-परित्यागी बहिः संभारवानिव
अन्तर्वैराग्यमादाय बहिराशोन्मुखेहितः
अयं बन्धुरयं नेति गणना लघुचेतसां
उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकं
भावाभाव विनिर्मुक्तं जरामरणवर्जितं
प्रशान्त कलनारभ्यं नीरागं पदमाश्रय
एषा ब्राम्ही स्थितिः स्वच्छा निष्कामा विगतामया
आदाय विहरन्नेवं संकटेषु न मुह्यति
(महोपनिषद ६.७०-७३)

The above text is describing the lakShaNa and behaviour of great men who are elevated to the coveted brAmhI sthiti of spiritual realm. The above says:

“(That elevated one in brAmhI sthiti) is generous, always clean in behaviour, in accordance to the established norms of conduct, and free from all attachments in life. From inside, he has renounced everything, even though outwardly he would appear to carry out worldly duties (like any other mortal. However, unlike) the small hearts of (ordinary) people (who discriminate by) saying ‘This one is a friend and that one a stranger’ these (great men in brAmhI-sthiti) are of magnanimous hearts and embrace the entire world as their own family. They have gained liberation from all constraints of ordinary life, like old age and death; their fires (of klesha-s) have become extinguished; and in them no attachment finds any shelter (anymore). Such (Listen O best amongst the brAhmaNa-s, are those who have achieved) the status of brAmhI sthiti, the absolutely pure; that which is beyond all cravings and sufferings. Equipped with such attributes they freely roam (the earth), without knowing any calamity.”

Not a recommendation or prescription of any sort, not an ideal or a goal for society to achieve, having nothing to do with anything outside the realm of individual spirituality, and simply a statement on the very nature of the bramhavetta-s of highest attainment.


*brAmhI sthiti* means established in Brahman. Brahman signifies infinite being-consciousness. — the absolute. The context says that one established in this supreme state of awareness views the world as one family.

When people of gross consciousness, such as dominates the world at present try to emulate the sages as a matter of policy, the effect is not always as expected since they don't have the capacity to follow through on it.

Throwing border open in the belief that it will all work out is ill-founded, even though I agree with Tabarrok that freedom of movement is a human right. Human rights, while universal are recognized historically over time. Presently it remains an aspiration waiting for its time.

The same with pursuit of self-interest. It holds for one who is sufficiently expanded in mind and heart, but for most people, pursuing self-interest based on "utility" is a recipe for disaster. To integrate economic, political and social liberalism a sufficiently advanced level of collective consciousness is a prerequisite.

Matt Franko said...

Tom, my current view is you are somehow 1+ eon ahead of things in consciousness ..... rsp,