Thursday, November 19, 2015

TASS — Canada, US, Ukraine vote against UN resolution condemning glorification of Nazism

UNITED NATIONS, November 20. /TASS/. Third Committee of the UN General Assembly on Thursday adopted a resolution on measures against the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that facilitate the escalation of modern forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance related to them.
A total of 126 member-states of the UN voted for the document and four countries - Canada, Palau, the U.S., and Ukraine - voted against it. Another 53 countries, including member-nations of the European Union abstained from voting.
As many as 115 countries voted for a similar resolution last year but three countries - Canada, Ukraine, and the U.S. - voted against it.
The resolution condemns unconditionally any denial of Holocaust and expresses concern over any forms of glorification of the Nazi movement, former members of the Waffen SS organization, including the installation of memorials to them, and the ‘unending attempts to desecrate or destroy the monuments to those who fought with Nazism during World War II.…
Canada, US, Ukraine vote against UN resolution condemning glorification of Nazism


Dan Lynch said...

Are you sure that's not an Onion article ? :~)

Tom Hickey said...

On last year's vote

Western Media Turn Blind Eye to Shameful Vote at UN on Nazism by US, Canada and Europe
Friday, 05 December 2014 10:30
Roger Annis, Truthout | News Analysis

A big yawn. And "delete." That's how editors at the world's mainstream media have reacted to the news that Canada, the United States and Ukraine voted against a resolution at the United Nations on Nov. 21 committing the member countries of the world body to combat racism and xenophobia in all its forms.

These were the only three countries to vote "no," but 55 countries abstained, including the member countries of the European Union, as well as Australia and New Zealand.

News of the vote on the resolution has been suppressed in most mainstream media outlets in the West. One of the few to report it was the National Post daily in Canada.

The resolution (full, seven-page text here) was presented to the "Third Committee" of the UN General Assembly. It is the committee charged with examining and making recommendations on social, cultural and human rights issues. The resolution was proposed by 30 countries, including Russia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Vietnam, Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba. One hundred and seventeen countries voted in favor. The "yes" vote by the majority means the resolution will be presented to the General Assembly.

The resolution is titled, "Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance."

Tom Hickey said...

Here's the Nov 2015 voting results of the UN Third Committee on a resolution condemning glorification of Nazism and racism.

120 yes and 57 abstentions. Only US, Canada and Marshall Islands voted no.

Dan Lynch said...

Oh, I believed the story, I was just being sarcastic.

WTF happened to the United States? It's been all downhill ever since FDR died. :(

Tom Hickey said...

WTF happened to the United States? It's been all downhill ever since FDR died. :(

I was just reflecting on that today.

Random said...

The 1946 elections and then this: