Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Stephen F. Cohen — Is the US Pursuing a Rogue Policy by Waging Undeclared War Against Russia?

Nation contributing editor Stephen F. Cohen and John Batchelor continue their weekly discussions of the new US-Russian Cold War. (Previous installments are at Cohen raises three “hypothetical” and heretical questions for discussion. Does the recent escalation of anti-Russian behavior by Washington, from its growing NATO military buildup on Russia’s western borders and refusal to cooperate with Moscow against the Islamic State in Syria to the Obama administration’s refusal to compel its government in Kiev to implement a negotiated settlement of the Ukrainian civil war, reflect an undeclared US war against Russia already underway? Given that many US allies are unhappy with these developments, has Washington gone “rogue”? And does the recent spate of warfare media “information” reflect these new realities?….
The Nation
 Is the US Pursuing a Rogue Policy by Waging Undeclared War Against Russia?
Stephen F. Cohen is a professor emeritus of Russian studies and politics at New York University and Princeton University and a contributing editor of The Nation

See also:

California Governor Jerry Brown reviews My Journey at the Nuclear Brink by William J. Perry, with a foreword by George P. Shultz, Stanford Security Studies.

The New York Review of Books (July 14, 2016 Issue)
A Stark Nuclear Warning
Jerry Brown

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